Super Salvation Sunday
Super Salvation Sunday
New Community - The Prevailing Church invites you to experience
Sunday, March 28, 2010 @ 11:00am
With Special Guest
Jacksonville, Florida
The Prevailing Center
5439 W. Warren Ave., Detroit, MI
Pastor Claude O. Cline, Senior Pastor

Prophet Brian Carn was born September 11th, in Jacksonville Florida and raised in the admonition of the Lord. He received the Lord in his life (salvation) at the early age of eight and began to grow spiritually, while receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit.
At the age of twelve, be began ministering the Word Of God and conducted his first three day revival. Prophet Carn became tired of "church as usual," so he began to seek the Lord with sincere fasting and praying. While on this eighty-eight day fast, he attended a Benny Hinn Crusade in Florida where he was called out. Pastor Hinn prophesied to him that he would walk in the same kind of anointing that the Lord had placed on his life, but "DOUBLE."
In October 2006, God sent him to the State of Virginia to preach a Sunday morning service. The anointing was so powerful, he was invited back for a three night revival. When he returned, God turned three nights into a 10-week "Move of GOD!" People with cancers were healed and blinded eyes were made to see! The deaf began to actually hear (naturally & spiritually)! Stammering tongues were loosened through the power of God! Last, but definitely not least, many souls were saved and delivered and filled with the presence of the Holy Ghost. It was standing room only!
This young man is truly a Prophet sent from God. He has ministered all over the county, including the C.O.G.I.C 100th Year Celebration in Memphis, TN.
In January 2008, in Saginaw, Michigan, he ministered at a church that normally seats 1,500. Due to the moving of the Holy Ghost, more than 2800 people filled the sanctuary. There were people standing  from the front door to the balcony, filling aisles and flowing out doors. Don't judge him by his age or stature, yet by the way that God moves through him.
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