Text-Only E-Promotion from http://www.detroitgospel.com
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For January 2008 and 2008-2009 School Year

We are located at: 9540 Bramell, Detroit, MI 48239 (near River Rouge Park)
2 blocks West of Outer Dr., 1/2 block North of Chicago
1/4 mile East of Telegraph and South of Plymouth Rd.

Principal: Kadija Bowles * Founder: Pastor Daryl G. Ounanian

Westside Christian Academy is a non-denominational school that offers a strong academic curriculum and a firm Christian perspective for life.

Our goal is to provide a nurturing atmosphere that will permit each child to develop at his/her maximum potential.

We are equipped to educate the total child so that each individual will develop academically, socially and emotionally.

* ABeka Curriculum (4K - 12th Grade)
* Daily Bible Classes/Weekly Chapel
* Before & After School Kid Kare
* Hot Lunch Program
* JV & Varsity Sports Program
* Cultural Enrichment Program
* Drama/Theater Department
* Dual Enrollment For High School Students
* Stanford Achievement Testing
* Uniform Dress Code

Ask About Our Tuition Discount!!

For more info visit http://www.westsideca.org or call us at 313-255-5760


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E-Blast Promotions Provided by: DETROITGOSPEL.COM, Located in The Historic Masonic Temple, 500 Temple Ave, Suite 600M, Detroit, MI 48201 http://www.DetroitGospel.com