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Twinkie Clark
Jubal's Joint Archive

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"Still Commissioned: The Songs of Mitchell Jones"Album Cover from Twinkie Clark's most recent CD, "Home Once Again: Live in Detroit"

This Month's Jubal's Joint: "Still Going Strong: A Celebration of 50 Years With Twinkie Clark"

Celebration Photos Taken By: Jeff Cross

The Clark Sisters recently celebrated the 50th birthday of their sister, Elbernita “Twinkie” Clark. It’s so hard to believe that this great woman of God, who has given us such classic gospel songs as, “My Mind Is Made Up,” “You Brought The Sunshine,” and “Praying Spirit,” has been with us for 50 years.

The legendary Twinkie Clark
Photo By: Jeff Cross

The celebration was held in the fellowship hall of Greater Immanuel COGIC, where Supt. J. Drew Sheard is the pastor. Following invocation we were favored with selections from Extol, a group from Washington D.C. that Twinkie uses to sing background when she’s in the D.C. area.

Shirley Murdock
Photo by: Jeff Cross

Twinkie’s longtime friend, Shirley Murdock, performed Kurt Carr’s, “For Every Mountain,”and the selections “Somebody” and “It’s In Your Hands” from her latest CD, “Home.”

Ryan Baker honored Twinkie by dancing to her song, “Intercession.” Jeff Cross, founder of the “” website spoke of how honored he was to represent the Clark Sisters on the Internet. There was also a video tribute from Yolanda Adams, Donnie McClurkin, and Kirk Franklin.

The evening was definitely a family affair. Twinkie’s niece, Kierra Sheard, sang, “Happy Birthday” and her niece, Angel (Jackie’s daughter), rendered an aria in Italian that received a standing ovation from those in attendance.

Larry Clark
Photo by: Jeff Cross

Twinkie’s nephew, Larry Clark (son of Denise), told a story of how he was playing for a church service and the deacons began singing a song that he could not play. He thought it was an old hymn but when he got home he looked through his Clark Sisters albums and found the song. So he called his Auntie Twinkie and asked if she arranged the song and she replied that no she didn’t arrange it, she wrote it. After sharing the story he performed the song he couldn’t play which was, “My Mind Is Made Up.” Larry also performed Twinkie’s, “Do You Have That Anointing,” and his arrangement of, “Anointing Fall On Me.”

Dorinda Clark-Cole
Photo By: Jeff Cross

Twinkie’s sisters told several stories of growing up in the Clark house. Jackie talked about the Sisters performing, “Hallelujah,” and in the middle of the song they looked over and couldn’t see Twinkie. The organ seat had broken and Twinkie was playing the organ sitting on the floor.

Dorinda shared how the Sisters would play dodge ball and Twinkie would always win. First lady Karen spoke of how much she admired Twinkie and how she wanted to be like Twinkie. All the Sisters spoke of how Twinkie would always have her bible with her. While they were outside playing, Twinkie would be inside reading her bible and writing songs. That’s how Twinkie would write about the “Shekinah glory of God” (from the song “Endow Me”), before people knew what Shekinah meant.

The highlight of the evening began as a “name that Twinkie tune” contest. Longtime Clark Sisters musician Antun Foster and Twinkie took to the keyboards playing Twinkie songs while those in attendance sang along. Lead by Jacky, the audience began to plead for the sisters to come together and sing. After some hesitation from Karen and Dorinda, they finally agreed to treat us to an impromptu trip down memory lane. Performing such classics as “Determination,” “Count It All Joy,” “A Praying Spirit,” “I’ve Got An Angel,” “Name It Claim It,” “Pure Gold,” “Overdose of The Holy Ghost,” “In The Name of Jesus,” and the acapella Christmas classic, “O Come All Emmanuel” (featuring Twinkie singing the bass line).

Karen, Dorinda, Jacky, Twinkie
Photo by Jeff Cross

As the evening began to close, I remembered the first time that I heard the Clark Sisters and became a fan of Karen, Dorinda, Twinkie, Jacky, and Denise. The words of Twinkie Clark’s music have helped me through so many situations. She taught me that “I Can Do All Things Through Christ,” and if I keep “A Praying Spirit,” God will “Endow Me,” and allow me to “Name It and Claim It.”

Twinkie, as you celebrate your 50th birthday, from the staff of Detroit, know that “You’ve Brought The Sunshine” into our lives and you can “Expect Your Miracle.” Happy 50th birthday Twinkie, we love you.

Twinkie Clark Plays at her 50th Birthday Celebration
Photo by: Jeff Cross

A special thank you to Jeff Cross, president of the Clark Sister’s fan club and founder of “” website, for providing Detroit with photos from Twinkie’s 50th Birthday celebration.




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