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DEC 7: “Prosper & Be in Good Health” Health Ministry Workshop (F*R*E*E event/dinner) pres. by Faith Community Research Network

The Faith Community Research Network presents "Prosper & Be in Good Health" Health Ministry Workshop. Receive tools for starting a health ministry at your church! Thurs., Dec. 7, 2023, 6-8PM (Doors open at 5:30 PM). At Second Ebenezer Church, 14601 Dequindre St., Detroit. Free Event / Dinner Will Be Provided.

2023-12-09T12:54:27-05:00October 30th, 2023|E-Blasts, Education, Health & Fitness, Outreach, Workshops|

OCT 26: God’s World Superstore’s GOSPEL SKATE! (Fundraising opportunities available)

God's World Superstore's GOSPEL SKATE! Thursday, October 26, 2023 from 6-9PM @ Northland Skating Rink, 22311 W. 8 Mile Rd, Detroit. Fundraising Opportunities Available! Book your church group today. Limited spots available. For more information call God's World at 313-862-8220. A great night for fellowship, family, and fun!

2023-11-08T22:09:58-05:00October 1st, 2023|E-Blasts, skating, Youth|

Invitation for teens ages 13-17 y/o to attend a F*R*E*E Dynamic Youth Conference

This is an invitation for youth (ages 13-17) to attend an exciting free conference at the University of Detroit Mercy, located at 4001 W. McNichols Rd., Detroit, MI, on Oct. 28, 2023. Workshops include Leadership Skills, Mental Health and Well Being, Trauma Leads to Drama, What Every Teen Should Know, College Prep, and Emotional Intelligence. Free lunch and gifts will be provided as well as opportunities to win amazing prizes and earn community service credit hours. Pre-registration deadline is Oct. 23, 2023 on EventBrite.com.

2023-11-08T22:09:43-05:00September 20th, 2023|Conference, E-Blasts, Youth|

OCT 21 & 22: “He’s Fine…But is He Saved? The Stage Play!”

Experience an unforgettable evening of faith, drama and laughter as Detroit’s own National Bestselling author Kim Brooks presents, "He’s Fine…But is He SAVED? The Stage Play!" Sweetest Day Weekend, Sat. Oct. 21st and Sun. Oct 22nd at 7pm both nights at the beautiful Michael Guido Theater (aka Ford Theater) inside Henry Ford’s Civic Center. TIX @ http://hesfinetheplay.com and in-person at God’s World, Bakers’ Bible and Bookstore or Discount Bible.

2023-10-22T18:30:46-04:00September 2nd, 2023|E-Blasts, Stage Plays|
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