AUG 16: “The ABSORB Room” – Impartation with Bishop Edgar L. Vann II (Free registration required)

AUG 16 @ 7PM: JPM presents "The ABSORB Room" - Impartation with Bishop Edgar L. Vann II. Free (registration req'd). Register @ Host: Apostle Jason J. Palmer. Calling all Pastors, Leaders & Entrepreneurs for Impartation of knowledge, wisdom & understanding. Held @ Goodness & Mercy Church East, 14074 E. 7 Mile Rd., Detroit, MI 48205.

2024-08-17T21:41:17-04:00June 30th, 2024|E-Blasts, Events, Meeting, Spotlight Artist, Workshops|

JAN 24: You’re Invited! Council of Baptist Pastors of Detroit & Vicinity (President’s Address & Report)

The Council of Baptist Pastors of Detroit and Vicinity invites you to their next meeting where the agenda includes the Council President's address & report and the Transition Team committee reports on Tues., Jan. 24, 2023, at 10:45AM, at host church Liberty Temple Baptist Church, 17188 Greenfield Rd, Detroit, MI 48235. Rev. Dr. Steve Bland, Jr., Host Pastor & Council President.

2023-01-24T22:30:12-05:00January 19th, 2023|E-Blasts, Meeting|
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