Bell Events Studio presents JAZZY MONDAYS

BELL EVENTS STUDIO presents... Jazzy Mondays, Every Monday from 5-9 p.m. (except holidays). $15 per person. DJ Rick Love - Ballroom and Hustle Lessons - Dinner Buffet provided by Chef CJ's Catering - Bid Whist / Spades - 50/50 Raffle - And much more! Bell Events Studio, 24624 W. 10 Mile Rd., Southfield, MI 48033 (1 block west of Telegraph). For more info, visit

2024-09-18T19:07:41-04:00September 13th, 2024|Dance, Dining, E-Blasts, Music, Spotlight Artist|

Starts Friday, SEPT 20: Beginners/Intermediate Ballroom Classes pres. by Hartford MBC’s Dance Ministry

Starts Friday, SEPT 20: Beginners/Intermediate Ballroom Classes presented by Hartford MBC's Dance Ministry. Held weekly @ 6pm (Beginners) & 7pm (Intermediate). Location: 8700 James Couzens Drive, Detroit, MI 48235 (In Fellowship Hall at basement level unless notified otherwise). All classes are $5 per person/session. Ballroom CDs available during these classes ($5 per CD).

2024-09-17T23:05:48-04:00September 9th, 2024|Dance, E-Blasts, Health & Fitness, Spotlight Artist|

Register today for EasyAl’s GUIDANCE ~ Couples-Only Urban Ballroom Dance Activity

EasyAl's GUIDANCE ("Girl U & I Dance") Couples-Only Detroit Urban Ballroom Dance Activity. Light up a new flame or rekindle an old one in your marriage or relationship thru Ballroom Dancing! Lessons, DVDs, and Graduation Dinner Dance all for $250 per couple (Maximum 30 Couples). Classes: Mondays 6-8pm, Starting May 6, 2024. REGISTER FOR GUIDANCE PACKAGE at or call 313-591-5810. Registration is open April 8th - May 2nd. Held at The Showplace, 2140 Holbrook, Hamtramck, MI (Inside UAW Local 235).

2024-06-01T16:52:40-04:00April 8th, 2024|Dance, E-Blasts, Health & Fitness|

APR 30: Calling ALL Dance Students ages 8 – 21 …Audition for the Iconic Ms. Debbie Allen

Calling ALL Dance Students ages 8 - 21... AUDITION FOR THE ICONIC MS. DEBBIE ALLEN and the Carr Center's 2023 Summer Dance Intensive in partnership with the Debbie Allen Dance Academy. Sun., Apr. 30, 2023, Noon-4PM (Doors will open at 11:15AM). PARTIAL SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE FOR ALL STUDENTS WHO QUALIFY!!! Ms. Debbie Allen will be in Detroit to personally conduct the auditions which will be held at Detroit School of Arts, 123 Selden Street in Detroit.

2023-04-30T14:19:01-04:00April 5th, 2023|Dance, E-Blasts, Education, Youth|
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