Gospel singer Darcell is back with a new EP and no holds barred praise. The Detroit native has once again hit the ground running with a hot new song, “If U Wanna,” while still receiving acclaim for her first project. Darcell talks with DetroitGospel.com’s Conway Norwood about her latest efforts.

Darcell: It’s been about 15 years. I joined a group called Ecclesia and we had the opportunity to work in ministry and help deliver people through song.
Conway: How did it feel to release your first CD, Joy is Better, as a solo artist?
Darcell: It felt awesome. I finally stepped out on faith. I had a lot of reservations about doing it. I had a lot of doubt and a lot of questions, and God told me to step out. The devil tried to talk to me, but I said I’m doing it anyway.
Conway: How has the response from your last project impacted you as an artist and a minister in gospel music?
Darcell: It’s been unbelievable. I’m more serious as a recording artist and as a professional being in the music industry. Joy is Better is still getting a great response even though the new project just came out.
Conway: Let’s talk about your new album. Are there any particular messages or themes you’re communicating to your audience this time around?
Darcell: The first CD was more laidback, ballad-type music. This one is about people feeling free to dance and praise God.
Conway: Did you collaborate with any artists or producers on the album?
Darcell: My producer is Rachard Williams. He actually wrote “If U Wanna.” We worked together on the last album as well.
Conway: Was there anything that you went through that you used to helped you write and record the material?
Darcell: Yes! I grew up in a real traditional household, but the only type of music I was allowed to listen to was traditional gospel. I was afraid to come out as an artist and beyond the traditional gospel music. This album is very bold and out the box. It’s not traditional, but the gospel message is still there and still very alive.
Conway: Detroit has so much to offer where it regards gospel music. Are there any Detroit artists in particular that you admire?
Darcell: I used to sing with Motor City Mass Choir, which was put together by Fred Hammond, and that really blessed me and put me in the right position. I really love and respect CeCe Winans, her music and her personality. I believe that people should be humble, and she’s so humble, and she just has a beautiful spirit. I absolutely adore the Clark Sisters and KiKi Sheard. They are the most humble family. I had the opportunity to interview with Dorinda, and she was so welcoming.
Conway: Your ministry is touching people all over the country. Who do you find support in to help keep you encouraged and stay grounded?
Darcell: My husband, who is a big part of my music ministry, and my family also. Most of all, I already have a desire to stay grounded. Just because you accomplish something musically, that doesn’t make you better than somebody else.
Conway: When you look at gospel singers, it seems like each one has that particular thing about them that really represents who they are as an artist and as a person. Considering who you are, is there something in particular that you really want to get across to your audience in all of your music?
Darcell: It’s for everyone, but it’s geared to young people. I want to say to them that you can live right and go to church and have a lot of fun. I wouldn’t trade my relationship with God for the world.
Connect with Darcell on MySpace at www.myspace.com/darcell4u and purchase her new EP If U Wanna at www.cdbaby.com, www.digstation.com, www.amazon.com, Rhapsody or iTunes.