DetroitGospel.com had an opportunity to pre-screen the new Justin Bieber movie from Paramount Pictures, Justin Bieber: Never Say Never,” which opens in theatres nationwide in 3D on February 11, 2011. This film incorporates faith/inspirational themes, and according to the press release, Justin Bieber: Never Say Never is the story of the meteoric rise of a talented young musician in our hyper-accelerated social media age and how his family and friends are helping him live is impossible dream in a prudent and healthy manner.”
Justin’s mom, Pattie Mallett, writes, “Justin has all the normal challenges of any other 16year-old Christian youth, with the same strugggles and temptations. When you add fame and influence and all the unseen presures of his industry, the challenges increase significantly. He needs a stron faith-based community now more than ever to encourage him on as a light and to hold him up in prayer!”
For more information on the film and how it can be used to spark discussion, CLICK HERE for the Never Say Never Discussion Guide.
Justin Bieber: Never Say Never Prayer Clip