Mary Wynn is “FM98 Strong Inspirations with Deborah Smith Pollard” and’s spotlight artist for April 2012. Her new CD, “I’m Ready,” features
the smash single, “Reignin O V A Me!,” and is available at:,,
iTunes, Amazon MP3, and God’s World (13533 W. 7 Mile Rd., Detroit, MI 48235). For Booking
Info: 313-605-3303,, From Gospetality Records, David’s Dance Music, and
Red Tape Entertainment. Follow Mary Wynn on and
We asked Mary Wynn a few questions about the work that went into making her new
project happen.
In addition to social media, what are some of the things that you’re doing to promote the
new project?
Besides the previously stated social media outlets, I am appearing on the cover of Gospel
USA Magazine, opening for Maurette-Brown Clark on March 24th (which is a televised taping
on Impact Network), appearing on The Dorinda Clark-Cole Show on TCT Network, appearing in
concert on Mothers Day, May 13th, with Sunday’s Best winner and finalist Leandria Johnson
and Jessica Reedy, preparing for a summer tour including GAG workshops and hopefully much
Can you give us a peek into the creative process? Do you have any advice for aspiring
artists about the creative process and surmounting any hurdles you may have encountered?
Whether you are a major or independent artist, make sure the quality of your work is
stellar. From songwriting, to music production, to artwork, to vocal styling. I may not
have the budget of a major artist, but I made sure that my project was comparable. God
gave us His all and I strive to give Him and His people my all. It’s truly about being
committed to the work God has for you to do. I finally realized that it’s not about me
but it’s about being a vessel that God can use for His glory. That’s what my CD speaks
to…”I’m Ready” (prepared for a purpose; available for service, action, or progress).
AVAILABLE NOW! The New CD Project from Mary Wynn “I’m Ready” Featuring the Smash Single Reignin O V A Me! Available at: and God’s World 13533 W. 7 Mile Rd.
Detroit, MI 48235
For Booking Information: (313) 605-3303
Gospetality Records | David’s Dance Music | Red Tape Entertainment Follow Mary Wynn on