Liberty Temple Baptist Church 37th Church Anniversary Celebration, Sept.
27-30, 2015. Are you a Fan or a Follower? (1 Peter 4:10-11). Sunday,
Sept. 27: Anniversary Worship Services, 8AM, 11AM and 4PM with special
guest speaker Dr. Michael T. Scott, Sr., Senior Pastor, Galilee Baptist
Church, Kalamazoo, MI. Mon. thru Weds., Sept. 28-30, 3 Day Discipleship
Revival: 7PM nightly worship services with special guest speaker Rev. K.
Edward Copeland, Senior Pastor, New Zion Baptist Church, Rockford, IL.
Liberty Temple Baptist Church, 17188 Greenfield Rd., Detroit, MI 48235,
313.837.6331,, Rev. Dr. Steve Bland Jr., Senior Pastor.