This month’s DetroitGospel.com and Rhythm & Praise with Deborah Smith Pollard Spotlight Artist is Joseph Derrico and Latter Rain.
Artist Name: Joseph Derrico & Latter Rain
Group Members: Latter Rain: Tamika Robinson, Latia Davis, Tanisha Hood, Felicia Price, Mika Green, April Rogers, Ashley Carter, Demetria Dixon, Danielle Gray, Mishanna Green, Kevin Stewart Jr., Remington Lloyd, John Orr, Christopher Parker, Jeremie Harris, Denario Green, Eric Dover, Roosevelt Agnew, and Sharonda King.
Single Title: Latter Rain
Single Release Date: 1/20/15
Album Title: Transparency
Album Release Date: August 29, 2015 – Release Concert & Hard Copy; September 4, 2015 – Digital Release
Record Label: Independent Artist
Where the Project was recorded: Triumph Church, Pastor Solomon Kinloch, Jr.
Artist’s Home Church / Pastor: Faith Tabernacle Church in Highland Park, MI, Pastor Victor Ricardo Thomas, Sr.

Joseph C. Derrico and Latter Rain’s debut album Release Concert is August 29th, 2015. Doors open at 6:30pm. Concert time 7:30pm. Special Guest M.C. Glenda Curry from The Mix 92.3FM radio. Special Guest Psalmist, Recording Artist Lawrence Flowers of Atlanta, Georgia. Tickets 20.00 in advance, 25.00 at the door, no VIP. First come first served. CD included with purchase of tickets.
At ARMI MINISTRIES (inside Consortium College Prep High School), 4366 Military, Detroit, MI.
Project’s guest artists, musicians and/or producers: Produced by Synergy Music Group; Calvin Rodgers and Phillip Feaster of Chicago, IL. Guest artist, Stellar Award Winner Tiff Joy, whom recorded “Amazing” with Ricky Dillard and New G.
Anything you’d like to share about the project or the process: This project was inspired by my life experiences and my walk with GOD. Hoping to reach everyone that comes in contact with this project; it’s something on there for everyone. This record consists of messages of hope and repentance, along with praise and worship.
Challenges that had to be overcome: I had to overcome the doubters and then my fears, especially the fear of failing. Faith in GOD and what HE allowed me to envision had to become my focal point. I also had to find out who I was as an artist and my purpose. People that I thought would be there until the end were some of the ones that bailed on me. I had to overcome rejection as well, but GOD graced us to succeed and I’m so glad I didn’t give up!
Advice for Aspiring Artists: Don’t settle, invest in your artistry because that’s your future. Moreover, your first responsibility as a gospel artist is to make sure what you are creating and producing pleases GOD; include the LORD in everything.
Amazon: http://amzn.com/B00RTXDXPK
iTunes: http://iTunes.Apple.com/album/id955473426
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/music
YouTube: http://youtu.be/ZH3-HXxCPms
Facebook: JosephDerricoAndLatterRain
Twitter: @JDerrico_LR
Instagram: latterrainchoir