“Reclaiming The Village: A Conference on Social Justice,” Friday,
October 17th. 6PM: Community Forum & Panel Discussion; Police
Brutality, Racial Attitudes & Violence, special guest Panelist
Attorney Benjamin Crump (Attorney for the Families of Trayvon Martin
& Michael Brown). 8PM: Join us for Final Night of Fall Revival with
Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Wright (Pastor Emeritus of Trinity United Church of
Christ) Guest Preacher. Friday Community Forum is FREE of Charge. At
Hartford Memorial Baptist Church, 18700 James Couzens, Detroit, MI
48235. Rev. Dr. Charles G. Adams, Pastor and Rev. Charles C. Adams,
Presiding Pastor.
ALSO…Join The Hartford Social Justice Ministry For
Our 4th Annual Conference on Saturday, October 18th 9AM – 3PM.
9AM-Registration/Continental Breakfast; 10AM-12PM-Workshops; 12PM
Luncheon & Keynote Speaker. Come out for an exciting and informative
day! Join us for workshops & Luncheon featuring Keynote Speaker
Rev. Dr. Cain Hope Felder of Howard Divinity School. School Workshop
Presenters: Dr. Jim Perkinson (Activist, Poet, & Educator), Bernard
E. Mason, Jr. (Motivational Speaker, Author & Spoken Word Artist),
Yusef Shaker (Community Organizer, Author & Educator), Stacey
Stevens (Community Activist & Organizer Michigan Round Table),
Michael Imhotep (President,The African History Network, Executive
Producer & Talk Show Host). Youth Symposium (For Young People ages
13-18) with speakers: Saba Gebari, Park Foundation; Mareo Dixon,
Pioneers for Peace; Gwen Felder, Former Officer of the Detroit Police
Department. Tickets: $10 – Adults / $7 – Youth (Includes: Continental
Breakfast, Workshops & Luncheon on Saturday).