United Women’s Conference – R.E.A.L (Relationships | Encouragement |
Accountability | Laughter)…REAL TALK Women’s Conference, July 29-30, 2016. Hosts: Lady Bonita A. Shelby & the Fabulous Ladies of Kingdom United Fellowship. With PUMP IT UP! Women’s Praise Rally on Monday, July 18, 2016 at 6:30 PM, at United Outreach Ministries,
1249 Roosevelt Ave., Flint, MI 48503; Pastor Marcus & First Lady
Charlotte Keels (Great Fellowship ~ Motivation ~ Praise & Worship). July 29-30, Women’s Conference is $25 Registration (includes Saturday’s Luncheon). Weekend Itinerary – FRIDAY NIGHT: VIP MIX & MINGLE with First Ladies of KUF (Registrants Only). Services Open to the Public; Special Presentation;
Low Blows (Your Words Can Hurt – Lady Hazel Lemons); Rock Your Runway Mini Fashion Show; Speaker: Evangelist Bonita Shelby. SATURDAY
MORNING: Continental Breakfast; R.E.A.L. Talk (Workshops) –
Relationships (Lady Cherrylean Givens / Lady Charlotte Keels);
Encouragement (Lady Candice Rideout); Accountability (Lady Monica
Jenkins); Laughter (SURPRISE); Break for Lunch; Women’s Empowerment
Service – Pastor Sheila Vann – 1 pm to 3 pm.
* Special workshop presentation for ages 4-8. Burning Bush
International Ministries, 770 James L. Parkway, Ypsilanti, MI 48197;
Pastor Don W. Shelby, Jr.;