Michigan Southwest First Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Church of God In Christ, Inc. 68th Annual Holy Convocation, August 18-24, 2014.
Bishop John H. Sheard, Jurisdictional Prelate and Chairman, Board of
Bishops Church of God in Christ, Inc. Mother Willie Mae Sheard, First
Lady. Thursday, August 21st – Guest Speaker: Bishop Darrell L. Hines, Prelate, Illinois Midwest Jurisdiction. Friday, August 22nd: Women’s Day, Mother Regina Rose Edwards, Supervisor of Women. Sunday, August 24th @ 3:30PM:
Official Day, Bishop John H. Sheard, Jurisdictional Prelate, Chairman,
Board of Bishops Church of God in Christ, Inc. Held at Bailey Cathedral –
Jurisdictional HQ MI-SW1, 7045 Curtis Avenue, Detroit, Michigan