Singles POWER UP!
Through Prayer, Preparation and Praise. New Hope Missionary Baptist
2014 Singles Conference
September 12-14, 2014.
All are Welcome!
Special Guest Speaker:
‘AV’, The Yolanda Adams Morning Show,
Min. Anthony Valary,
Saturday Workshops and Sunday
Sept. 14th 10:45AM Speaker.
Min. Andres Sanders – Sunday
Sept. 14th 7:30 AM Speaker.
Other Guest Speakers: Rev. Norma Jean Pender, Rev. Valerie Crump,
Patricia Clark, Min. Brenda Jenkins, Min. Kim Brooks, Peter Archangel.
Friday, Sept. 12th: Mix & Mingle Reception / Praise Fest / Healing
Service 6-9 pm.
Saturday, Sept 13th: Conference 9am – 3pm.
Sunday, Sept. 14th: Singles Friends & Family Day 10:45am.
Continental Breakfast, Workshops, Lunch and Fun!
$25.00 Donation. New Hope Missionary Baptist Church,
23455 W. Nine Mile,
Southfield, Michigan 48033,
Dr. David L. Roberson, Pastor.