Bethel Baptist Church, East; 5715 Holcomb, Detroit, Michigan 48213, celebrates their 95th Church Anniversary, “Children of Wisdom, Sharing The Glory of Christ, A Precious Inheritance.” Worship & Fellowship Services: 7pm Nightly. Tuesday, August 18th – Pastor Lawrence Glass / El Bethel; Wednesday, August 19th – Pastor Jim Holly / Historic Little Rock; Thursday, August 20th – Pastor Solomon Kinloch, Jr. / Triumph. Sunday, August 23, 2015, 10am, Rev. James Flakes (New Mt. Vernon Baptist Church, Detroit, MI). Macy’s Coupon Fundraiser / Saturday, August 29th, 2015 – 9am; Toledo Franklin Park Mall – Bus Ride & 15 per person. Gospel Fest, Saturday, September 5, 2015 – 11am. Anniversary Banquet, Sunday, September 13, 2015 – 1pm; Athena Hall, 25650 Gratiot Ave, Roseville, MI 48066. Sis. Pamela Walker & Deacon Charlette Moody / General Chairpersons. Dr. Michael Andrew Owens, Pastor.