NuU Skin Care
26245 Southfield Road, Lathrup Village, MI 48076
Dr. Arletha Anderson First to Bring “Non Surgical Lipo” to Michigan
NuU Skin Care is proud to offer for the first time in Michigan the latest program for safe and effective NON SURGICAL fat & cellulite removal AND SKIN TIGHTENING. Mesotherapy has been around for a while in Michigan with a few practioners using it to safely to remove fat and cellulite. For the first time in Michigan , Dr. Arletha Anderson has gone way beyond stand alone Mesotherapy by adding Carbon Dioxide Therapy ( CDT ) called Hydro-Carbossi, which has been used by European cosmetic dermatologists for years. Now available in the USA , Dr. Anderson is the first board certified physician in Michigan to bring this exciting breakthrough in fat & cellulite removal AND skin tightening. Mesotherapy alone does effectively remove fat and cellulite, but there can be some skin sagging because of the fat removal. Hydro-Carbossi causes even more fat and cellulite removal AND immediate skin tightening resulting in a dramatically better overall natural result. Dr. Anderson is the first Michigan physician trained in this procedure and is glad to offer this exciting new NON SURGICAL alternative to Lipo Suction. With this new procedure, there is no down time as with Lipo Suction (6 weeks or more) And, the cost is hundreds vs. thousands with traditional surgical Lipo Suction. Also, since the patients are completely awake during the short procedure rather than under anesthesia for hours with Lipo, it is much safer. Dr. Anderson would welcome interviews and be glad to give personal demonstrations of her new technique for safe, effective, and non surgical removal of fat, cellulite, and skin tightening for the media.
Dr. Anderson can be reached at NuU Skin Care at 248-395-6201 for interviews and demonstrations.
Comparison between Traditional Lipo Suction & Hydro-Carbossi
Traditional Lipo Suction New Hydro-Carbossi
Surgery required? Yes No
Anesthesia required? Yes No
Patient awake? No Yes
Can use on Face? No Yes
Procedure time? Hours 30 minutes or less
Post Pain control? Oral Narcotics Oral Tylenol or Motrin
Downtime? 1 ½ to 2 months 1 ½ to 2 days
Cost? Thousands Hundreds